![<p><em>The Museum of Drawers</em>, exhibition flyer, ICA London (1979)<br />
![<p><em>The Museum of Drawers</em>, exhibition flyer, ICA London (1979)<br />
Selected Exhibitions, Performances & Lectures, Discography, Films, Radio Broadcasts
Selected Exhibitions:
1960, graphik, Galerie Junge Generation, Vienna
1964, Nouvelle Tendance: Propositions visuelles du mouvement international, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris
1964, Mouvement 2, Galerie Denise René, Paris
1965, The Responsive Eye, MoMA, New York
1966, konkrete schweizerkunst, Galerie Actuel, Bern
1966, Axiom Gallery, London
1966, (op)art Galerie, Esslingen
1966, Galerie Actuel, Bern
1966, Sigma II: Art visuel / Urbanism-Architecture, Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux
1967, Saba Studio, Villingen
1967, light in movement, Herbert Art Gallery, Coventry
1967, Structures, Lumière et Mouvement, Galerie Denise René, Paris
1967, Lumière et Mouvement, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris
1967, situatie 1967, t’ Venster Gallery, Rotterdam
1968, Cinetisme Spectacle Environment, Grenoble Maison de la Culture, Grenoble
1968, Public Eye, Kunsthaus, Hamburg
1969, Konstruktive Kunst: Elemente und Prinzipien, Nürnberg Biennale, Nuremberg
1969, Pläne und Projekte als Kunst / Plans and projects as art, Kunsthalle Bern, Bern
1969, Formas Computables, Centro de Calculo de la Universidad de Madrid, Madrid
1969, l’environment luminocinétique, Montreuil, Paris
1970, 35a Biennale internazionale d’arte, Venice
1970, Kinetics, Hayward Gallery, London
1970, ordo: 4 führ 4 für vier, Galerie am Berg, Stuttgart
1973, Omaha Flow Systems, Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha
1974, The Museum of Drawers, touring
Selected Performances & Lectures:
1953, Lorry, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen
1966, Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Karlsruhe
1967, Random Round, La Vieille Grille, Paris
1968, Festival of Sound, Arts Laboratory, London
1968, nuevo lenguaje, Instituto Alemán, Madrid & C. M. Universitario Fernando el Santo, Sevilla
1969, Redondo u Oval, Instituto Aleman, Madrid
1969, Centre Culturel Allemand, Goethe-Institut, Rabat
1969, Deutsches Kulturinstitut / Instituto Aleman, Madrid
1970, Instituto de Cultura Alemã, Porto
1970, Swansea University, Swansea
1970, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
1971, Instituto Cultural Alemán de Bilbao, Bilbao
1972, Aktionsgalerie Bern, Bern
1972, Kolloquium ‘Konkrete Poesie’, Goethe-Institut, Lille
1972, Alea Encuentros de Pamplona, Pamplona
1973, The Poetry Society, London
1973, Glamorgan Summer School, Barry
1973, Centre Culturel Ville de Toulouse, Toulouse
1974, Theater am Neumarkt, Zurich
1974, Galerie Lydia Megert, Bern
1975, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
1975, Universität Köln, Cologne
1975, Festival Intime, Kunsthalle Bern, Bern
1975, Goethe-Institut, Valletta
1976, Hall Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels
1976, De La Voix, Atelier Exposition Annick Le Moine, Paris
1977, Melkweg, Amsterdam
1977, International Festival of Sound-Poetry, National Poetry Centre, London
1977, AIR Gallery, London
1977, Saint Martins, London
1978, Sound & Syntax, International Poetry Festival, Glasgow
1978, 8ème Festival International de Musique Experimentale Bourges, Bourges
1978, Werkstatt Breitenbrunn, Breitenbrunn
1978, Morley College, London
1979, Poesia Sonoria, Teatro Spazio Libero, Napoli
1979, Carleton University, Ottawa
1979, Université du Quebec à Montreal, Montreal
1979, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
1979, UC San Diego Department of Music, San Diego
1979, San Francisco State University, San Francisco
1979, San José University Music Department, San José
1979, Palomar College Music Department, San Marcos
1980, Galerie der Stadt, Vöcklabruck
1980, International Festival of Sound-Poetry, National Poetry Centre, London
1981, International Festival of Sound-Poetry, National Poetry Centre, London
1982, Goethe-Institut, Athens
1983, Internationales Festival Phonetische Poesie, Vienna
1966, Konkrete Poesie - Sound Poetry - Artikulationen, ed. Anastasia Bitzos, LP
1970, Internationale Sprachexperimente Der 50/60er Jahre / Tendentious Neo-Semantics, Edition Hoffmann, LP
1971, Phonetische Poesie, Luchterhand Verlag, LP
1979, Poésie Sonore Internationale, ed. Henri Chopin, Éditions Jean-Michel Place, cassette
1979, Breathingspace 79 (Sound Poetry), Watershed Tapes, cassette
1982, BAOBAB 11 (Baobab Femme), ed. Adriano Spatola, Edizioni Pubbliart Bazar, cassette
1989, BAOBAB 18 (Storia della poesia sonora in cassette), ed. Arrigo Lora-Totino, Elytra Edizioni, cassette
1970, Body Poem, Irm Sommer & Ed Sommer (music)
1970, Gesichter, Irm Sommer & Ed Sommer (sound & voice)
1973, Vau Seis, Javier Aguirre (sound)
1978, Mirror Phase, Carola Klein (voice & recording assistant)
1984, Hang On A Minute, Lis Rhodes & Jo Davis (voice)
Radio Broadcasts:
BBC Radio, London
Danmarks Radio, Copenhagen
NCRV, Hilversum
WDR, Cologne
Radio Tunis, Tunis
Radio Madrid, Madrid
Südwestfunk, Baden-Baden
Süddeutscher Rundfunk, Stuttgart
Hessischer Rundfunk, Frankfurt
Studio Zürich, Zurich
Radio Malta, Malta
Radio France, Paris
KPFK Pacifica Radio, Berkeley